

Companies Racing to Use CRISPR to Fight Disease

While a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health, Ashley performed genetic engineering projects using the CRISPR Cas-9 system. She continues using this gene-editing tool in her current research in Cambridge biotech, CRISPR Tx.  

Posters & Publications:

Demetrios Kalaitzidis. “CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing to Produce Mulitple Allogeneic CAR-T Cell Candidates Showing Consistently High Potency, Durability, Lack of Alloreactivity, and Ability to Overcome Immune Suppression.” American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting. Clinical Research (Excluding Clinical Trials) Poster Session. 29-3 Mar-Apr. 2019. Atlanta, GA, USA. 

Brigid McEwan. "Allogeneic CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-edited CAR-T Cells Targeting CD33 Show Potent Preclinical Activity Against AML Cells."American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting. Clinical Research (Excluding Clinical Trials) Poster Session. 29-3 Mar-Apr. 2019. Atlanta, GA, USA. 

Melanie Allen. "Allogeneic CAR-T Cells with Multiple Therapeutically Favorable Edits Can Be Created Efficiently Using CRISPR/Cas9."American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Annual Meeting. Cell Therapies Poster Session. 16-19 May. 2018. Chicago, IL, USA. 

Zinkal Padalia*, Ashley Porras*. "Allogeneic CRISPR engineered anti-CD70 CAR-T cells demonstrate potent preclinical activity against both solid and hematological cancer cells." American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting. Immunology Poster Session. 14-18 April. 2018. Chicago, IL, USA. 

Henia Dar*, Daniel Henderson*. "Allogeneic Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cells Targeting B-cell Maturation Antigen." American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting. Clinical Research (Excluding Clinical Trials) Poster Session. 14-18 April. 2018. Chicago, IL, USA. 

Zinkal Padalia*, Ashley Porras*. "Production of site-specific Allogeneic CD19 CAR-T Cells by CRISPR-Cas9 for B-Cell Malignancies." Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference. Cellular Therapies Poster Session. 9-12 Nov. 2017. National Harbor, MD, USA. 

Huajin Wang. "Seipin Is Required for Converting Nascent to Mature Lipid Droplets." ELife. ELife Sciences Publications, 26 Aug. 2016. Web.<>. Pub Med ID: 27564575

* equal contribution